COVID-19 and Lexington Daycares/Childcares

With daycare/childcare facilities reopening in Lexington, this page has tips and guidelines to help protect kids, families and staff. For the state’s guidance, please visit State Child Care/Day Care Guidance.

For more information, please visit the Child Care Health Consultation website.


  • Child care providers do need to keep a temperature log and will need to keep the log for 5 years since it is considered a medical file.  The form they use must be kept confidential and from parents reading the medical information from other attendees.
  • If a child care provider has a medical condition such as asthma, he/she does not have to wear a mask if they have a doctor’s note (note from a primary care provider-PA, Nurse Practitioner). The doctor’s note needs to be kept on file if licensing were to ask why the staff member is not wearing a mask. They may choose to wear a face shield in place of a mask, but they do not have to wear a face shield. To learn more about face shields visit The Clear Mask.
  • QuestionMay the providers use foam blocks in the learning centers? Answer:  No.  The foam is very porous and it is impossible to clean them appropriately at this time.
  • Question: With the recent travel advisories from the Kentucky Department for Public Health, do we need to ask/require children/staff who have traveled to COVID19 “hot spots” to stay home for 14 days after returning?
  • Answer from Child Care Collaboration Regulation Committee: Per Child Care licensing, children do not have to stay home for 14 days after returning from “hot spots” (South Carolina, North Carolina, Florida, Texas).  As a small business, child care centers can craft their own policy surrounding this though. Per best practice, it is a good idea to ask that the children not return to the child care center for 14 days.

For more FAQs about child care reopening, please visit Child Care Aware.